Gayle’s coaching style reflects her belief in the importance of human values, meaningful interpersonal interactions, bold action and connecting to one’s deep purpose and meaning in life and work.
Executive Coaching
Whether you are an executive of a large organization or a manager of a department, coaching will help deepen insights into yourself and others. People who are coached report feeling they have expanded their capacity to lead; they feel more engaged in their work.
Leadership Development
A great deal of useful research has been done on leadership, but to truly integrate leadership concepts and ideals into practice requires time and more than taking classes or and reading books. A leader has to integrate concepts into all their interactions. A coach provides support, increasing a leader’s chance of success.
Team Coaching
The complexity of today’s organizations makes it vital that we collaborate with others to get the job done. Teamwork is essential for organizational success, however, getting teams to cooperate and make good decisions is a challenge. One of the most valuable services Gayle offers is coaching teams, assisting them in a way that fosters effectiveness and productivity. Team coaching enhances a group’s understanding of their dynamics and provides an opportunity to experience a real breakthrough.
Emotional Intelligence
How leaders handle their emotions and how well they handle others is as important as skills and knowledge. People with a high Emotional Intelligence, or EI, excel at leadership through a combination of awareness of their emotions while also sensing others’ emotions and managing relationships. Within Emotional Intelligence, there are other related competencies such as self-confidence, transparency, the ability to influence and develop others. Emotional Intelligence is often a predictor of leadership success. The good news is emotional intelligence, unlike an IQ, can be developed.
“I have worked with Gayle for over seven years as part of a coaching programme for faith leaders in Scotland. My own confidence and ability to coach others has grown immensely because of Gayle’s passion and willingness to travel alongside others, patiently working with them to bring about change at both a personal and corporate level. We were so fortunate that Gayle decided to come and live in Scotland for a while, and to share her knowledge and insights into coaching. Thankfully she continues to give oversight and supervision for a team of volunteer coaches who continue the work she began.”
— Iain Johnston, Director, Faith in Community Scotland